What do we mean by Live Big®?

We believe everyone is entitled to a limitless vision for their life.

Money, however hard earned, is a renewable resource. Our Clients share a compelling desire to make the most of their most valuable resource, life. It is up to you to define your Live Big® life; we’re here to help make it possible using creative strategies – grounded wisdom®.

The Discovery Process

The Financial Planning process starts – and continues – with the discovery process. During discovery, we endeavor to uncover your greatest hopes and dreams, and we learn about what matters to you – the people in your life, the organizations that speak to your heart, the activities in which you like to participate, and any and everything else you want to share with us. Through this meeting, we strive to discover your values system as we believe this provides the operating instructions needed to develop your financial plan.

After the discovery meeting, we learn about the numbers! What you have, what you owe, what you earn, what you spend. And about your specific financial goals – retirement, education, legacy wishes, and more.

Then, we do our analysis with a 360-degree view of you to develop concrete recommendations with a view to next steps, mitigating risks, harnessing your resources (human and material) and maybe sleeping a bit better at night. We also address new issues as they arise – because life is messy and goals are a moving target.

What results is a financial plan that covers cash flow and tax planning, risk management, retirement and other goal planning, investment planning, and estate planning. And it does so in a big-picture, holistic way. The initial financial plan is developed for you during the first year of the engagement. Thereafter, the financial plan is reviewed on a regular basis to help ensure that you stay on track through changes in the landscape and in your circumstances.

Financial Planning for Generations

There’s value in experience. We have a lot of it. There’s also value in youthful, fresh perspective. We have that, too. And that means we can serve not just our current Clients, but also the generations of loved ones important to those Clients, and other successful young people.

Where in the World is the Live Big® Glass?

Some may interpret Live Big® to mean “spend big”, “live large” or a recommendation to some other form of overindulgence. But Live Big is about the size of your life, not the size of your wallet. And whether this means traveling the world or finding joy in the simplest places, we want to celebrate how you choose to Live Big.

How to Live Big® in Trying Times

When times feel crazy, it can sometimes be difficult to remember the areas in our life where we can Live Big® without spending (much, if any) money. But if we can find a place of gratitude for what we have, we can find joy in the simplest of places, and, hopefully, at least get our minds off of how scary the world can feel at times. At the bottom of the Great Recession, we shared a post full of ideas for how to Live Big in trying times. Although the ideas were shared in 2009, we find it interesting that these words remain true.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

-Marianne Williamson