Creative Strategies – Grounded Wisdom®

Financial advice is helpful. Financial planning is magic.

Creative is not a word that always comes to mind when you think of wealth management. But our firm and our client relationships are built around our talent for thinking creatively – thinking far beyond risk analysis and financial planning strategies yet staying grounded in the best available research – with a personal commitment to a singular goal: empowering you to pursue your Live Big® life.

Our Process, Your Journey

Financial planning is a process. It is a journey, not an event. We’re here to help you adapt your journey to life’s emerging realities and, ultimately, to help you Live Big®.

Financial Planning Evangelists

Yeske Buie is avidly committed to growing the financial planning profession. Out of this commitment comes the fact that we would like to see everyone who seeks advice find a competent, ethical financial planner. Thus, we’re happy to talk to ANYONE who is referred to us and if, for whatever reason, we find that we’re not a good fit, we will work to match them up with an experienced financial planner who is.

If you know someone who may be interested in talking with us, please ask them to contact our team or send us the individual’s name and contact information so we may connect with them to set-up an initial meeting. We thank you for the continued trust you show in us by referring your friends, family, and colleagues so that we can help them to harness their financial resources to pursue exquisite, fulfilling lives.

Policy-Based Financial Planning®

When it comes to financial planning, it can be difficult to stay the course. Every day, we are buffeted by a steady stream of news and gossip with little to anchor us to a consistent course of action. We believe that well-crafted financial planning policies – simple decision rules that encompass what matter to you – can help you make decisions in our ever-changing world.

To share an example, here is a sample cash flow and savings policy appropriate for a young person that is easy to understand and simple to apply even with multiple changes in employer, pay, or benefits:

  • I will save 10 percent of every paycheck;
  • My savings will go first to my emergency fund until the account equals three months’ worth of living expenses;
  • Thereafter, my savings will go into my employer retirement plan to the contribution limit;
  • Any remaining savings will go into an after-tax opportunity fund;
  • Windfalls, such as bonuses, will be allocated 10 percent to a fun fund and 90 percent per the preceding policies.

With this policy, no matter how many changes might occur in the young person’s life with respect to earnings or expenses (and typically there will be many!), they always know exactly what to do.

For nearly a decade, we have been defining the characteristics of an ideal financial planning policy find them to be powerful tools for guiding Clients through our ever-changing and sometimes frightening economic and financial landscape. We’d love to work together with you to set up policies that work for your life!

TheLiveBigWay® Safe-Spending System

All advisors know how to get money into a portfolio, we know how to get it out. Consider the following important questions:

  • How much can I safely spend from my portfolio when I retire?
  • How will I know if I’m heading for trouble?
  • What will I need to do to get back on track if I am heading for trouble?

TheLiveBigWay® Safe-Spending System answers these questions by targeting your spending rate and implementing decision rules to ensure you remain on a sustainable path.

You’re successful; you’ve earned the right to explore life and all it has to offer and to do so with confidence. We’d love to help bring clarity to your situation, provide advice based on empirically validated theory, and engage in the ‘straight talk’ that is essential in navigating life’s journey.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

-Marianne Williamson